Kathy lives and works in a small country town in Victoria. She is creative, interesting and an absolute whiz on a sewing machine, a skill she learnt from her mother and dressmaking classes at school.
Her beautiful tiny stocking Christmas tree decorations are made from scraps of fabric, tape, lace and bias binding. They are an ideal gift to make for Christmas and can be filled with treats to make them even more appealing. Chocolates, $1 or $2 gold coins, written notes, poems or jokes, small toys and novelty items are just a few of the things that can be placed inside them.
To Make:
The pattern is drawn over a group of 2cm squares and includes a seam allowance of around 12mm. The same fabric used for the front of the stockings can be used for the back or you can use a completely different fabric. The length of the ties to hang them with is about 10cms long then folded and tape or bias binding is used. Lace or fabric trimming around the top can be open over the back side seam. Use your own creativity to decorate the stockings before sewing them together. It could include embroidering someone’s name to make it more personal.